Welcome to ancint village of Cempaga


Minggu, 22 Maret 2015



Silent day ( Nyepi day) has been celebrating by all Hindu's people around the world. Specially in Bali island was celebrating by unique tradition with Ogoh- Ogoh performance. Ogoh - Ogoh is symbolize of devil or giant, deep meaning is bad character of our personal respective.All these character should be removed on Nyepi day until forever.
In Cempaga Village has 2 x times of Silend day ( Nyepi day). Once is General Silent Day held on every March  and second is Special Silent Day applies only in Cempaga Village area. 

Second silent day (Nyepi)  is very sacred ceremonies, on day before Silent ( Nyepi ) all village people do ceremonies in our Big village Temple in Centre of Village,all people come and do mutual cooperation into temple until all of equipment ceremony are ready.
 In Afternoon all people are ready to go to the beach while bringing all equipment ceremonies from the temple  accompanied by sacred special music of cempaga temple.
They walked until the beach then praying on beach temple, early morning they are back to the village and started to celebrated Silent Day ( Nyepi) around the village only. Four activity could not doing during Silent days are : Not light a fire, not working, not listening music or watching television and not Traveling. Silent day has finished early morning when sunrise, all people back to normal activity.

Here some picture before Silent day, when people doing cleansing ceremonies ( Pecaruan) in Cempaga Village accompanied by traditional  Music Of Bleganjur. ( SATRIA JAYA - DUSUN COROT- DESA CEMPAGA)

Minggu, 15 Maret 2015



            Cempaga Village has beautiful sea view located at cempaga hill about 500 meter from sea levels and approximately 1 hour drive from Singaraja City with very natural charm of environment.
From top of hill we can see nice stretch of hills, from maid roan we stop over just for take picture.
Beautiful hill panorama located at Corot Hill that most people are farmer, they planted various of vegetables like  : Corn, sweet potatoes, chilli and some rice 

           When rainy season from hill we can see very lovely sew view  to lovina beah, singaraja city, pulaki  all with big blue ocean view.
            Especially for see beautiful sea view from top of  hill  please visit our village of Cempaga
certainly you will got fantastic experience.

                                   The following are some pictures of Cempaga Hill



Created by : Putu Suarjaya

Kamis, 12 Maret 2015



Desa cempaga memiliki aset wisata yang sangat bagus, baik dari wisata alam, pemandangan, budaya serta adat istiadatnya yang masih terpelihara, hal inilah yang harus di lestarikan di saat percampuran budaya luar yang sangat memperihatinkan, maka alam pedesaan , seni dan budaya harus di pertahankan sebagai aset wisata yang sangan menjanjikan

 Cempaga village has very good tourism assets,from nature tourism, hill view, natural culture and custom, all of them should be preserving when others culture is coming in, village weather, village art and culture have to protect and maintain to be good promise of tourism asset .)

Sebagai upaya mempromosikan dan memperkenalkan budaya Desa Cempaga di dunia luar dengan keindahan alamnya di sertai hutan lindung yang ada di dalamnya serta keunikan seni dan budaya yang masih sakral bisa di kenal dunia luar sehingga bisa semakin di pertahankan oleh masyarakatnya sebagai suatu ke banggaan tersendiri

As a effort to promote and introduce Cempaga Village culture with beautiful nature panorama including of protected natural forest, also  our sacred  unique art and culture can be known from out side area. so that it could be saved and maintained by our people well and to be our  pride of village )


                  CEMPAGA HILL TREKKING

            Desa Cempaga adalah salah satu desa kuno atau lebih di kenal dengan sebutan Bali Aga – Bali Mula yang terletak di Bali Utara tepatnya di  Kecamatan Banjar , Kabupaten Buleleng.  Berdekatan dengan pusat wisata Pantai Lovina hanya sekitar 5 km.  Dan terletak di ketinggian sekitar 500 mtr dari permukaan laut. (

Cempaga Village is one of balinese  ancient village popular called Bali Aga  or Bali Mula , located  at North  Bali  in Banjar Distric and Buleleng Regency.  Closed by  Tourist  Center of Lovina Beach  approximately  5 km.  And located  about  500 mtr high from sea level.)

Desa cempaga memiliki daya tarik wisata yang sangat mengagumkan baik potensi wisata budayanya dengan berbagai tarian sakralnya dan tradisi uniknya, wisata perkebunanaya yang sangat idah dengan berbagai jenis tanaman serta pemandangan alamnya yang sangat indah terutama pemandangan laut dari atas perbukitanya, serta keramahan dari masyarakatnya sehingga sangat menarik investor untuk menanamkan modalnya di sana terutama dalam pengembangan sektor pariwisata seperti hotel dan restaurant sehingga Desa Cepmaga semakin di kenal oleh dunia luar (

 Cempaga Village  has  amazing a tourist attraction ,  good potential of  tourism culture  with some of sacred dance and unique tradition, tourism garden with many plantation type and very beautiful sea view from top of hill  , also people who very hospitality so that many investor  came and together develoved our tourism with building some tourist facilities such as Hotel and restaurant , so Cempaga Village more famous from outside even in foreign.)

Potensi alam yang masih bagus dan alami di mana masih banyaknya terdapat hutan lindung di wilayah Desa Cempaga memiliki daya tarik tersendiri untuk pengembangan wisata trekking, dimana masih terdapat berbagai jenis pohon langka serta hewan hutan lainya yang patut kita jaga dan lestarikan.(
The natural environment with many natural forest in Cempaga Village has own tourist attraction to develope and promote Trekking Program.
There are many rare plantation and animal,
surrounding by natural  river around ther forest with beautiful panorama.)

Di samping  hal tersebut di atas,  masih memiliki sungai yang masih alami mengelilingi hutan tersebut dengan panorama yang sangat indah. Di setiap aliran sungai tersebut terdapat bayak sekali air tejun dengan skala pendek sampai tinggi.salah satu yang sudah terkenal yaitu Singsing waterfall. Dan yang baru di temukan yaitu GLOGOR waterfall dengan ketinggian sekitar 30 mtr dengan kondisi yang masih alami.(
There is many waterfall  in same of each watershed with small and high level. One of famous waterfall is  Singsing waterfall.  Then the new finding is GLOGOR waterfall with approximately  30 mtr higher and natural condition)

Melihat begitu besar potensi alam yang di miliki maka perlu adanya wisata alam berupa Trekking bertujuan  untuk memelihara hutan beserta satwa di dalamnya serta bisa memberikan maanfaat bagi masyarakat sekitarnya dengan membuka lapangan pekerjaan. (

According to many good potential , save and protect our natural forest , we pleased to offer Trekking Program around the forest,  beside to give more profit  for our people future.)


Di mulai dari jaan raya masuk ke dalam sekitar 100 meter akan Langsung menemukan hutan lindung sambil melihat pemandangan laut yang sangat indah.  Mulai berjalan menyisiri Hutan sabil melihat berbagai jenis tanaman atau pohon hutan di sekeliling kita. Bergabai jenis tumbuhan atau pohon yang bisa kita temukan seperti : Sonokeling , kali moko, intaran, asem, tengguli, kayu cang, kayu tapis, kayu book, kayu cem-cem, kayu pui, bambu hutan dan lainya. 
( Started by walking enter to the forest about 100 meter from maid road we will get natural forest directly, while see very beautiful view from hill.  walking around the forest will find many type of plant suck us, rosewood, tamarind three, bamboo and many plants.)


Setelah berjalan sekitar 30 menit baru menemukan sungai yang sangat indah pemandanganya dengan aliran air yang masih alami dan sangat menyejukan. Berjalan di sela bebatuan sambil melihat  belantara hutan yang masih alami serta berbagai hewan hutan seperti Monyet dan burung. Kurang lebih 20 menit kembali masuk ke hutan dan berjalan menyisir tepian sungai dengan medan yang semakin menantang adrenalin kita ( After walked about 30 minutes we will find beautiful natural river, with natural water and very cool weather, walking around the river stone while see the natural forest beside of river with any forest animal like monkeys and birds, About 20 minutes  we will enter to the forest again, and walking with challenging area.)


Dan sekitar 40 menit barulah sampai di tepat yang sangat mempesona yaitu GLOGOR Waterfall.

Ketinggian airterjun tersebut sekitar 30 meter dengan kedalaman sekitar 7 mtr dengan air yang sangat jernih dan batuan yang masih alami. Disana bisa melepas lelah dan berenang atau sekedar mandi sebelum melanjutkan perjalanan.  ( approximately 40 minutes walking we will arrive at GLOGOR Waterfall.. Glogor water fall has 30 meters high with 7 meters deep with very clear water and natural stone, there we can stop over to take bath or just rest before continues to walk.)


Setelah puas di airterjun Glogor barulah bali memasuki hutan menuju ke atas bukit. Dari atas bukit kita bisa melihat pemandangan hutan yag sangat mempesona dengan hamparan pepohonan yang beraneka ragam dengan berbagai jenis binatang di dalamnya( After satisfied at Gelogor water fall , we continues to walk into forest with more higher , from top of hill we can see very nice view with many kinds of plant and animal inside the forest)


Sambil berhenti bisa menikmati aneka makanan atau minuman yang di bawa selama perjalanan . Setelah semuanya puas barulah balik ke jalan raya dan menuju tempat masing – masing
( On stoop over we can enjoy with our some food or drink which is bringing during trekking.before back to main road )

Price for this trip is Rp. 150.000 / person
including mineral water , guide and ticket

Selamat menikmati Cempaga Hill Trekking.. semoga puas dan menyenangkan
( please enjoy your Cempaga Hill trekking - )

Di buat oleh : PUTU SUARJAYA
( Created by : PUTU SUARJAYA

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